Sunday, February 18, 2007

How I learned that the Lord really does know our every thought

What a day. Here I am cuddling with my beautiful wife on a Sunday morning in our home. She will never have to travel back to Greeley again for classes and she will start her student teaching this week. On top of all this, we arrived in Provo last night and found out that the Bishop wanted to see us on Sunday (today) at 10:30. My first thought was one of responsibility, I mean we have only been in the ward for a few weeks and I am already EQP (Elders Quorum President). My wife then reminded me that we don’t know that yet.

We arrived at church at exactly 10:30 and waited outside the bishop’s office. Within a few minutes he arrived back from ward council and after entering his office for only a moment, he popped his head out of the door and invited us inside. I was ready to tell him that although I was so busy with many things I would accept the calling as 2nd councilor in the bishopric or maybe even 1st if he wanted, but was stopped cold in my preparation. He asked me, “Brother Foster what callings have you had in the church before.” I froze, I knew I needed to impress him with my long list of experience, but nothing was coming to mind. I then realized that I had no experience besides a Sunday School Teacher and Elders Quorum Instructor. After he heard this he turned to Kristen and asked, “Sister Foster how about you, what kind of callings have you had before.” She then proceeded to list off callings like Institute Council (very powerful sounding) and RSP (Relief Society President). A resume like that is quite impressive. Bishop Gibb looked pleased, and then began “We would like to extend a calling to you both, a calling were you two can work together. And that is Sunday School Instructors over zone #3 in the Ward. You will be switching off teaching every week with another couple.”

I was stunned. I was going to be a what!!!!! Not even the first stringers, but over zone #3. Then as the Bishop began to explain the calling to us, I realized just how our Heavenly Father works; I realized that we were having a little taste of our own medicine. Let me explain…

We have only be to our ward a few times, and have really enjoyed it. The only “slow” part of the church service has been Sunday school. I don’t mean that the teachers are bad or that the people in the classes are boring and dry, but just that the very nature and design of Sunday school, especially in singles wards and married student wards, makes for “long” class hours. Maybe it is the fact that the men and women are together in the class and feel shy about asking and answering questions in front of strangers of the opposite sex, or maybe that people are just looking forward to Priesthood and Relief Society classes and don’t want to exhaust all of the spiritual and enlightening insights that they will surely contribute in those classes. But what ever it is, it seems like the teachers of Sunday School have to pry answers out of people by any means necessary. Sometimes by a forced answer, or clever game, or by the most used technique of them all, giving little candies as a reward for the raising of a hand. Now, because of our (mostly just my own) murmurings of how boring Sunday School is, we are to be those very instructors that have to work hard just to keep the class awake. As we left the Bishops office and were making our way to the car, Kristen just started laughing. I guess that we have learned our lesson, now we get to prepare a lesson for next week and one thing is for sure, little chocolate Kit-Kat Bars will be included. That should keep their attention.


Danalin said...

Ha! Congratulations! You two will be awesome at that calling. Gone are the days of boring Sunday come the days of Sunday Cool! I wish that I could come to your class (but I'd have to request mini-snickers instead of kit-kats - you'd get a lot more out of me with the snickers). Zones #1 and #2 are missing out!

Mark said...

Congrats on your new calling!

Wanna stir things up from Day One? Stand in front of the class and rebuke them for their lack of participation. Then tell them that you are going to take them from a telestial class to a celestial one. Next, pontificate upon some obscure doctrinal obscurity for forty-five minutes, helping to reinforce your own spiritual superiority.

Finally, hand them a Kit-Kat bar, and all will be well.

Dad said...

You and Kristen now have the best calling in the whole church. I loved teaching gospel doctrine. It is the only time I really have read in detail and understood the old testament. You will find it is a great calling. No other meetings, once every two weeks....can it get any better than that?

Good luck on it. I have some stuff I will send you that might help as a outside resource.


Dad said...

You and Kristen now have the best calling in the whole church. I loved teaching gospel doctrine. It is the only time I really have read in detail and understood the old testament. You will find it is a great calling. No other meetings, once every two weeks....can it get any better than that?

Good luck on it. I have some stuff I will send you that might help as a outside resource.


Tyler said...

Drew and Kristen,

I apolgize that I didn't respond sooner to prevent you from making such a horrible mistake.

Kit-Kat bars???!!! Are you nuts? Everyone knows that miniature Reese's Peanut Butter Cups will please the crowd and encourage participation much better.

I'm sorry I didn't warn you in time.